Using the FOJO you can turn your digital snapshots into oldskool analog prints.
Edit: The Impossible project, the project that aims to reproduce Polaroids instant film, has made an instant version of the FOJO principle: the Impossible Instant Lab
Did you know that your car will take in 20,000 cubic feet of oxygen to burn 20 gallons of fuel? That’s the equivalent of a 2,500 sq. ft. house!
If your only experience with a car engine’s inner workings is “How much is that going to cost to fix?” this graphic is for you! Car engines are astoundingly awesome mechanical wonders. It’s time you learned more about the magic under the hood! Brilliant animated illustration by Jacob O’Neal
Seems like the moon landing hoax is a hoax itself. Ok, we knew that.

Click & Grow is an easy-to-use electronic smartpot that grows plants without watering and fertilizing. You don’t have to have any knowledge about gardening, instead everything will be taken care by the smart technology.

Rock the Shack takes us to the places we long for. For the first time in the history of humankind, more people live in cities than in the country. Yet, at the same time, more and more city dwellers are yearning for rural farms, mountain cabins, or seaside homes. These kinds of refuges offer modern men and women a promise of what urban centers usually cannot provide: quiet, relaxation, being out of reach, getting back to basics, feeling human again.