


Sebastian Waters and Patrick Beser traveld round Ireland, reporting all interesting things on a very special Tumblr blog. Hopefully, the future will bring more of those special form factors for (travel) websites.

Mikael Eidenberg

Mikael Eidenberg

The picture above is not a photo. Look again. And again. No, it’s not. Amazing to see how 3D computer renderings look so naturally. Mikael Eidenberg is one of the masters of modeling and rendering those kind of objects, interiors or icons.

A change is gonna come

Pick a bad photo apply a vintage effect and write something in Helvetica

Almost as lazy as reposting sites, links and pictures on your blog. A change is gonna come.

140 Named Colors

Roses are #ff0000
violets are #0000ff
all my base
are belong to you
Pretty geeky, but luckily, 140 HTML hex codes have a proper name.

Egypt / Lebanon Montage

With the protests over and the start of a new, democratic era, it’s time to show the real people of Egypt, in a short film by Khalid Mohtaseb