Kulula airlines redesign
Remember those boring, only the tail painted, aircrafts of the days before ugly orange and pink planes crossed the sky? The aircrafts of Kulula Airlines are a welcome change, with a funny though recognizable paintwork
Remember those boring, only the tail painted, aircrafts of the days before ugly orange and pink planes crossed the sky? The aircrafts of Kulula Airlines are a welcome change, with a funny though recognizable paintwork
Bit late to post this now, but these Christmas trees are, as the motto of the less bling bling blog says: “Beautiful in the living room
Glorious in the street”
I just found out I hadn’t posted anything about the guys from Dedicam, a small Swiss company shooting film using helicopters, take a look at some footage at their gallery, beautiful stuff!
I mentioned my love for tearing down things earlier, but Todd McLennan takes it to the level of art, I must admit I’m mostly looking at it from a technical perspective…
Today, I found the folder on my computer with things I wanna share, today the first one: the Bern Westside shopping mall, designed by Liebeskind, it’s a very welcome alternative to thos depressing shopping malls that all look the same and that are a complete nightmare to navigate in. Even the loo looks fab, but you’ll have to find those photos yourself…