
Kulula airlines redesign

Kulula airlines redesign

Remember those boring, only the tail painted, aircrafts of the days before ugly orange and pink planes crossed the sky? The aircrafts of Kulula Airlines are a welcome change, with a funny though recognizable paintwork

Christmas tree

Christmas tree

Bit late to post this now, but these Christmas trees are, as the motto of the less bling bling blog says: “Beautiful in the living room
Glorious in the street”



I just found out I hadn’t posted anything about the guys from Dedicam, a small Swiss company shooting film using helicopters, take a look at some footage at their gallery, beautiful stuff!

Todd McLellan

Todd McLellan

I mentioned my love for tearing down things earlier, but Todd McLennan takes it to the level of art, I must admit I’m mostly looking at it from a technical perspective…

Westside shopping mall

Westside shopping mall

Today, I found the folder on my computer with things I wanna share, today the first one: the Bern Westside shopping mall, designed by Liebeskind, it’s a very welcome alternative to thos depressing shopping malls that all look the same and that are a complete nightmare to navigate in. Even the loo looks fab, but you’ll have to find those photos yourself…