At the London Cycle Show in 2011 inventor Anirudha Surabhi introduced a prototype of a radical new helmet design. The Kranium has a shell like a conventional hard shell skate style helmet, but instead of a conventional foam liner it has interlocking rows of corrugated material that look like cardboard.
Trakke is a route made by the movement of people. Our Trakke is being forged in a new direction. We want to explore a different way of manufacturing, a different way of living. We want to make products that last; products that are made by craftsmen, products that quickly evolve in response to feedback from the people who use them. That’s why we don’t ship our production overseas. We make it just down the road, in a small workshop, surrounded by people who love cycling. We don’t design bags. You do. One improvement at a time.
One of the best titanium bike builders in the US, Max Kullaway shares his insights into why he creates and why he continues to build custom bikes for his own company, 333FAB Bicycles in Seattle, WA.
Ryokou follows the journey of Shane Perkins from his home in Adelaide post London Olympics to taking residence in Japan whilst competing in the 2012/13 Keirin competition.
The documentary explores the Japanese Keirin as a pivotal part of Shane’s personal and professional growth, in context of some of the major events in his career.